Monday 14 January 2013

Post Pregnancy Exercise Programs – Things You Must Consider

In the first weeks  after giving birth, if your doctor agrees, you can start a post pregnancy exercise program which will help your body keep up with the daily activities you need to do when caring for a baby, and also to help your body regenerate and regain the figure you had before the pregnancy.

Commence Exercises After Giving Birth

Some young mothers want to immediately get to work on improving their physical condition after giving birth, but any post pregnancy exercise program you begin must consider lactation, as it is known that some types of exercises could affect the capacity of the body to produce milk. Women that have given birth with the caesarean section method must be even more prudent, as the inferior abdominal muscle was sectioned, and its recovery can take about 3-4 months. This is why any exercise effort must be carefully monitored, and the program must be approved by a medical professional.

Consider Running And Jogging
The most suitable exercises for toning the back and core muscles are performed on the ground. Because you do not want to put too much strain on the ligaments, which have already been overworked during pregnancy, it is recommended that the exercises are not too demanding. This is why stretching during the first two months is not recommended, especially if the women gave birth with the natural method, as the shoulder articulations might be affected. The same goes with jogging and running.

Choose Healthy Diet
Results of a post pregnancy program will not be seen immediately, mainly because we are talking about only light exercises. The post pregnancy recovery program is slow, and you will also need to combine the exercise program with a healthy eating diet. Heavy effort and strict diets during the first months after giving birth are definitely not recommended, it is better the effort is increased gradually as time passes. A woman should not start her normal fitness program before the 6th month after giving birth.

Expert Knows Better
Before starting any exercise program, you will have to consult with your doctor. You don’t need to stress too much if you cannot find the time for exercising, especially during the first two months. You will probably find most of your time is needed to give attention to your child. Of course, you should also think about yourself, but it is no problem if you choose to start a post pregnancy exercise program three or four months after giving birth.

Avoid Being Stressful
During lactation, is recommended that any exercises are done when the breasts are emptied of milk. You should also drink a lot of water while exercising. Kegel exercises are recommended to regain the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, and these can be combined with gentle hip rotation exercises. After a while you can go on to addressing the abdominal area.

Fluid Intake
An important element while exercising is the quantity of liquids consumed. Avoid animal products, salt and spicy foods, and drink plenty of water and herbal teas. The best idea is to try to locate a specialized post-natal instructor, who will create a customised program for you, and also show you the correct way to perform the respective exercises.